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SSH configuration

We strongly suggest to install our librairies using the SSH protocol. The entire procedure is described on this page . We summarize herebelow the main steps:


We assume you don't have an existing SSH key pair in the .ssh folder.

  1. Create a new SSH key and follow the instructions:
    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  2. Modify your ~/.ssh/config and add the following lines:
     AddKeysToAgent yes
     UseKeychain yes
     ForwardAgent yes
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  3. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent:
    eval `ssh-agent`
    ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  4. Add the SSH public key to GitHub.
  5. Test your connection
    ssh -T

Now, you can clone any repository using ssh:

git clone

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